How to Handle the Stress of Moving

Now that you’re getting ready to move into a new house or apartment, you’re likely feeling a lot of emotions. Although the experience can be exciting, it also brings lots of stress about the logistics of such an undertaking. Fortunately, if you’re getting overwhelmed, there are some tips to help you handle this stress. Here are four ways to mitigate the stressful elements of moving.

Step One: Focus on the Positive

Often, people tend to focus on the negative aspect of various situations. For example, when moving, you might find yourself dwelling on the multiple tasks and hurdles you have to complete — like packing up boxes, getting rid of clutter, and the cost of a moving truck or service.

However, an easy way to minimize the stress of the situation is to flip the script and start paying attention to the positive benefits of moving, such as:

  • More Space – Perhaps you’re moving into a bigger house or apartment.
  • Exciting Changes – Are you launching a new career or moving to a nicer area?
  • Reorganizing Your Life – Moving is an excellent excuse to downsize your life and remove unnecessary junk. Think about how you can use the experience to cleanse your living space.

Overall, positive reinforcement can alter how you think about challenges and problems and make you more adept at facing them.

Step Two: Break Your Moving Checklist Into Sections

If you have tons of variables to consider, they can overwhelm you quickly. So, instead of looking at your entire to-do list, break it down into sections. If possible, set deadlines for specific tasks so that you can measure progress and see how much you’re accomplishing.

For example, you might pack one room a day until you leave. Doing this is much more manageable than packing up everything in one sitting. Similarly, you might make all of your various phone calls (e.g., utility companies, moving rentals, etc.) for one day so that you can cross them all off your checklist.

Step Three: Enlist Help From Others

Even if you’re moving solo, you shouldn’t try to do everything yourself. Reach out to friends and family members to see how much they can assist you with this undertaking. Small tasks can have a considerable impact, particularly if you have a tight schedule. For example, you might use help for:

  • Packing
  • Making Appointments and Phone Calls
  • Donating Items

Although you might be the type of person not to ask for help, there’s no reason to do everything alone. The more people work on a project, the faster and smoother it goes.

Step Four: Make a Checklist

One element that can cause a lot of stress is the idea that you’re going to forget something. Fortunately, the easiest way to prevent this issue is to write down a complete list of tasks in a checklist. Doing this ensures that you don’t miss anything, no matter how small. Writing a checklist can also make breaking down the tasks into bite-sized chunks.

Bonus Step: Get Moving Help

If you’re stressing out over your move, why not let the professionals handle everything? We can take care of the extensive details so that you can focus on the other parts that matter most. Contact us today to see how we can relieve your moving stress.