How to Pack Glassware and Mugs for a Safe Move

Imagine: Yesterday was moving day. After finally getting some rest, you wake in the morning and head for the kitchen. The first thing on your radar — unpacking that box of glasses and mugs so you can recharge with some caffeine to start the busy day ahead. Hopefully, that mug is intact and ready for some fresh morning coffee.

Here’s how to pack your glassware to ensure a safe move.

Choose the Right Packing Supplies

Start with high-quality packing supplies. This is one area where you don’t want to skimp; after all, the safety of your mugs, wine glasses, and other glassware depends on it.

Use small or medium, rather than large, boxes. Smaller boxes may hold less, but they’re lighter, easier to carry, and less likely to be dropped.

Box type matters, too. Look for “dish barrels,” which are double-corrugated cardboard boxes that offer extra protection for glasses. As an added benefit, consider picking up some glass cell divider inserts. And cardboard sheets to place in between layers.

Next, gather lots of packing paper. You can use newspaper, but you’ll have to wash all the glassware when you unpack to remove the ink. You may also choose to use bubble wrap, but it’s bulkier, more expensive, and difficult to recycle.

Finally, grab plenty of packing tape and a marker.

Prepare your Dish Barrel Box 

Tape the bottom of your dish box several times. Start by taping the seam closed with a few strips of tape, then add another line of tape going the other way to create a “plus.” Next, run a line of tape around the whole lower edge of the box to secure the ends of the tape you used on the bottom.

Now crumple multiple sheets of packing paper into balls. Use these to create a cushion at the bottom of the box. You’ll want this padding to be several inches deep. Alternatively, you can lay towels or sheets on the bottom, but the crumpled paper balls provide the best protection.

Start With the Heaviest Glassware

Large, heavy glasses and mugs should go in the bottom half of the box (lighter, more fragile items will go in the top half of the box).

Working on a flat surface, lay down multiple sheets of packing paper. Place a glass on a top corner and start to roll the glass into the packing paper, tucking the paper into the glass’s opening as you go. Once the glass is fully wrapped, crumple another piece of packing paper inside.

Lay the glass carefully on its side in the box. Continue rolling and stuffing glasses, laying them in a single layer, and inserting crumpled paper between and on top of the glasses.

Now move on to the next layer. Place a cardboard sheet to separate the layers and continue wrapping, stuffing, padding, and creating layers. Just be sure to keep heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top.

Pro tip: Wine glasses and other stemware require extra care. Wrap a separate sheet of paper around the stem before rolling the glass into another sheet of paper. These incredibly fragile glasses go on top.

Seal the Box

Once you’ve almost reached the top of the box, crumple up more paper to create a last layer of padding. Attempt to shake the carton gently. You shouldn’t feel or hear any movement from inside; if you do, add more crumpled paper in the empty spaces.

Seal the box securely. Use a marker to label the box, and be sure to write “FRAGILE” on each side.

Relocation Assistance

While packing glassware requires extra care and lots of paper (don’t worry, you can recycle it after the move), the effort will be worth your while. Keeping your mugs and glasses safe will help ensure a smooth move.

Contact us for a free quote and additional help. We can help make your move quick and easy.